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Founders Feature: Courtney and Shelby from Supercrush

2022 planner / yearly agenda / yearly planner / monthly planner / 2022 organization / 2022 calendar / planner design / planner / success / 2022 / goal setting / habit tracking / habit tracker / goal planning

Meet Courtney and Shelby, co-founders of Supercrush, a local, handmade hair accessory brand based in Vancouver, BC. Best known for their scrunchies, Supercrush creates super high quality hair accessories that are also ethically and sustainably made in Vancouver, Canada. We caught up with the mother-daughter duo to chat about how they turned their home hobby into the fast-growing business that would become Supercrush. Take it away ladies!

1. Tell us a bit about your business.

Supercrush is all about making great hair super simple for busy women. Founded by a mother/daughter duo, our goal is to elevate your daily hair ritual and make bad hair days a thing of the past. We’re probably best known for our super high quality handmade scrunchies but we’ve recently expanded our offerings to include a variety of accessories (clips, combs) and we have more to come very soon!

2. What three words best describe you?

We chose 3 words for each other…

Courtney: Fun-loving, motivated, creative.

Shelby: Wise, problem-solver, curious.

3. What is your story?

We've been mother/daughter and best friends for the past 30 years and in business together for the past 4 years. We started sewing scrunchies for friends and family in 2018, quit our jobs to pursue our business full-time in 2019, and as of 2022 we’re a team of 12 amazing women. We have very different skill sets and a lot of mutual respect for what the other brings to the table. The best part about working as a duo is that we lift each other up; it always seems that when one of us is down, the other can bring them back to a good place.

4. What does a typical day look like for you?

On days that we work together at our studio we try to stay focused on things that move the needle. We work ON the business. On the days where we work separately at home we work IN the business on more tactical activities. Either way there is always lots of coffee involved!

5. How do you stay organized?

We both love using the 2022 Planner because it allows us to look ahead and make plans for the entire year. But if there’s anything we’ve learned over the past couple years, it’s that it’s important to have a plan but even more important to stay very flexible in your approach.

6. What is one of your goals this year?

Business-wise, we’re excited to be launching a new product that's been in the works for over a year! It’s going to be your hair’s new secret weapon.

In terms of personal goals, getting back to some of our favourite sun destinations now that the pandemic is over!

7. What challenges have you faced while running your own business?

As entrepreneurs, it’s not easy to create space to celebrate and enjoy the wins without rushing ahead to the next challenge. You also never “clock out” of your business so it’s sometimes exhausting (but also exhilarating when those great ideas hit you in the shower at 11PM).

8. What are you most proud of?

The wonderful community and team that we've built and the quality products and experience we offer. Oh and surviving a pandemic while running a business!

9. What’s something else you’re passionate about or enjoy?

We love to travel and have done numerous trips together as a duo and also with the family. This year we’re excited about bringing along the newest addition to the family (Courtney’s son, Theodore!) And of course, we love to unwind over a bottle of wine!

10. Where can we find you?

Follow us @supercrush on Instagram and TikTok and visit our website at

Loved hearing from Courtney and Shelby, but want to know more? Check out the Supercrush website here and use code STILCLASSICS at checkout for 15% OFF your purchase.

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