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How To Create the Perfect Daily Routine

2018 planner / yearly agenda / undated monthly, daily and weekly day timer / 2018 organization calendar planner design washi tape

To create the perfect daily routine, all you really need is a pen and a planner...well, as a starting point anyway. First think about what your perfect daily routine should include, the non-negotiable type of things that make up your daily schedule from waking up in the morning and back to bed in the evening. You can use our Get It Done Planner for this to write out your routine at the beginning of every quarter, but I would start by making a quick list titled morning, day and evening and write out what's important to you. 

Routines are a set of good habits that we do on autopilot. Whether you realize it or not, you already have certain routines.

Habits are quite powerful and routines are a set of good habits that we do on autopilot, once we develop them as a daily practice. Whether you realize it or not, you already have certain routines...think about it! However, if you haven’t taken the time to analyze each and see if it brings you closer to your goals, then chances are you’re going in the wrong direction. One way out if you’re stuck in a rut is to change your daily routine.

I want you to start small. So maybe start by removing one lazy or unhealthy thing you do each morning, and replace it with something better and more productive. If you're using our Get It Done Planner you are able to set routines for yourself every 3 months which is an ideal timeframe for practicing new routines. Start by doing only 1 routine item for 3 months for morning, day and evening. Then when the next quarter arrives add a second routine item to each of your daily routines. 

Let’s explore what a good daily routine consists of and how to create the ideal one for yourself.

  • Start your morning with good energy. Set a ritual that will make you feel good in the morning before you start your day. I wake up around 6:30 every day, I go to the gym, then I meditate and then I make time to do my hair and get dressed in the morning. That’s really also my own form of mediation. Getting dressed sets me up for a good productive work day that makes me feel good and confident. In here you could add things like: breathe for 20 minutes, drink a cup of hot water & lemon, journal, write 3 pages, come up with 10 new ideas, etc. 
  • Daily routines. Even though you are a work its important to set little reminders for yourself to stretch, maybe take a quick lunch time walk, meditate, or make sure you're drinking enough water. All of these are great little habits you can form to set yourself up for a productive day. 
  • Daily To-Do List. The last thing I do before I leave my desk is write out my to-do list of the next day. Everything is included on this list, even if it’s getting groceries at the end of the day or answering emails. Seeing those checkmarks at the end of the day gives me the utmost satisfaction.
  • Nightime routine. Its as important as your morning routine. This is usually where I add a bit of pleasure and enjoyment to my day. This could be reading for 20mins, journalling in your Daily Journal, stretching, diffusing oils, or watching a show.

Its important to write out your rituals. You can either put them in your current planner at the beginning or use a planner like the GID for more in-depth goal setting and rituals.

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