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Other Ways You Can Use Your 2021 Planner

2018 planner / yearly agenda / undated monthly, daily and weekly day timer / 2018 organization calendar planner design washi tape

We want to make sure you get the most out of your 2021 Planner this year. Last year things were so up in the air so we want you to feel in control this year and that might mean coming up with some new and creative ways you can use your planner.

We've talked a lot about how you can use your planner for managing your schedule, work, your goals and your to-do list, but you can also use your planner in a number of other really great more personal ways; especially if you've started to feel overwhelmed or you're just looking to feel fall in love with your planner again. There is no better feeling than opening your planner with a whole new level or excitement.

We've listed 5 creative ideas below:

1. Track a new habit.

Tracking habits keep you accountable by helping you to stay on track to meet your goals. Just the act of filling in your habits daily is motivation enough to help you see it through, accomplish, and build healthy habits that can change your life. You can use your planner to track habits for business or personal. You can use your monthly calendar to track this habit or your weekly schedule pages. If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve listed a few ideas for what habits you can track: Practice self care, get a new hobby, no screen time after 8pm, journal for 10mins a day, compliment myself daily, laugh today, listen to a podcast, read one chapter in a book, learn a new skill. 

2. Use it as a daily journal.

If you're not using your weekly schedule pages the way you thought we recommend writing out a small journal entry for each day. This could be a simple as recalling one good thing that happened to you that day.

3. Track your goals daily.

You know we love goal setting and if you're the same as us, your 2021 Planner is the perfect tool you need for planning and achieving your goals. Use your planners goal setting pages at the beginning of each month and create your action plan on the weekly pages. Add weekly or monthly stepping stone tasks that are smaller and write them into specific dates in your planner so that you create focus and stay on track. Write down deadlines and be strict. Push yourself and always dream big. 

4. Manage your home schedule.

If you love organization we have a feeling that applies to all areas of your life which of course includes your home life. Now that so many of us are working from home it's become more important than ever to make sure you schedule your home life a bit more. We challenge you to schedule everything from weekly meal planning, laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping lists, school related tasks like pickups and drop offs, sports and arts appointments, holidays, birthdays and everything in between!  

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