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A #1 game changer for your to-do list

2018 planner / yearly agenda / undated monthly, daily and weekly day timer / 2018 organization calendar planner design washi tape

Motivation can be hard to find sometimes. We're all human and we're far from perfect sometimes. That's why having a good planner (the right planner) can not only help you form the right routine that motivates you but it can also help you get back on track when you have a little slip up.

You might feel that you’re getting organized just because you've got everything you want to achieve on today’s to-do list. Truth is, a long to-do list can act as a de-motivator, stopping you from actually getting anything done. And trust me when I say this, I've been there. 

A long to-do list can act as a de-motivator, stopping you from actually getting anything done.

So what do you do? Well, it's honestly quite simple. You write down your 3 Most Important Tasks (MIT's) the night before. Two factors are most important here: you limit your tasks to 3 and you write them the night before. If you’re panicking right now just at the thought of all the things that will be left undone just breathe. We're going to walk you through it. 

// Why should I write down my MIT's the night before?

  • It’s a great time to assess what you've just achieved in the last 24 hours (so you can go into the next day feeling on track with your goals).
  • You won’t lie awake thinking about what you have to do the next day; give your mind some rest and actually get the sleep you deserve in order for you to efficient the next day.
  • When you wake up you will feel motivated because you've got a purpose. You already know what you're working on today...get it! 

// Why should I limit my to-do list to 3 items a day?

We know this is a tough one but think about it: how many tasks do you really actually get done every day? We're not talking about the small tasks that you're putting in your Get It Done Planner's Secondary Tasks list here, we are talking about big tasks that involve time, attention and diligence. 

  • A long list kills your's as simple as that. 
  • Limiting the number of items on your to-do list will increase your motivation because you feel a sense of achievement at the end of the day (having just completed your 3 tasks) 
  • With only 3 tasks on your list you are motivated to get started on them before being sucked into your inbox in the morning. 

// What happens to the rest of the items on my list? 

  • Write them down on a separate list or under "Secondary Tasks" in your Get It Done Planner so you can get some peace of mind. 
  • Remember though: this is not your main to-do list. It's a list of tasks that need to get done and what you can do is use that list to choose your next 3 to-do's for the following day. 

So from now on when you get home from work, after you've had dinner, write down the 3 most important tasks (MITs) you want to accomplish the next day. Give them each a priority order if you can and feel like it. Then relax for the evening and wake up feeling motivated.

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