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Starting a little late into 2021? We got you!

2018 planner / yearly agenda / undated monthly, daily and weekly day timer / 2018 organization calendar planner design washi tape

January has come and gone, but that doesn't mean it's too late for you to start. Maybe you didn't have your planner yet, or you just didn't have a great start to the year. Trust us, we get it and this is for you! The good news? It will take you less than a Sunday afternoon to catch up what you missed this January. 

January tends to be one of those months where everything can be a little all over the place. You just got back to work after the Holidays and now it's suddenly back to reality. It's ok to take a few weeks to settle into your routine and figure out what your goals are. Not everyone has everything figured out on January 1st and that's why we're here today. We want to help make it easy for you to get set up for 2021, and here's how we're going to do it!

1) Reflect on the first month of this brand new year.

Let's think about the year ahead and what really matters to you. Grab a piece of paper or your Coil Notebook and write out your fitness goals, your relationship goals, your financial goals, your healthy habits, and your morning and night routine. Take those "annual" goals and write them in your January goals section and then set small goals each month that will help you achieve your larger goals. 

The good news? It will take you less than a Sunday afternoon to catch up what you missed in January.

2) Create a master "time blocking" plan.

Since it's almost February, let's repurpose January's Monthly Calendar layout. Here you can schedule your goals in each months section and use this as your master calendar. Schedule things like your weekly budget, what day of the month you want to do date night, what days are reserved for self-care, what days are reserved for virtual girls nights, and so on. Every month going forward, look at your master calendar and remember what you set out for yourself for the year. 

3) Vision boarding.

Each planner has its own vision board. When you surround yourself with images of your ideal life, who you want to become, what you want to have, where you want to live, or where you want to vacation, your life changes to match those images and those desires through the power of visualization. Follow along on instagram with us this week as we do our own vision boarding.

To help you along the way, we put out a video a few weeks back on how to use your planner which you can check out below.  



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