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The Secret to Setting and Achieving Your Goals

If you’re having trouble following through with your goal planning, you may be tempted to stop trying. But what if you’re just doing it wrong?

Goal setting looks different for everyone and is unique to each individual. When done correctly, goal setting can help you learn and grow in many areas of your life.  That’s why it’s crucial to learn how to set goals that are clear, measurable and actionable.

Great goals often come with great challenges, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t achievable. Here’s our secrets to setting and actually achieving your goals.


Give yourself 10-15 minutes to brainstorm a list of anything you’d like to achieve, create, do, have, give, or experience. Write down as many as you can within this timeframe. If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, become a Club STIL member and get access to our Goal Setting Worksheet.

Refine Your Goals

Define your goals and be specific about what you want to achieve and why. The more clear you are about your goals, the more likely they are to happen. List all the reasons why this goal is important to you and give yourself a realistic timeline.

Make a Realistic Plan

Setting deadlines is crucial to goal setting. It’s important to recognize that goals take time to achieve and don’t happen overnight. The Get It Done Planner will help make the goal setting process more manageable by giving you quarterly benchmarks for progress and achievement.

Create S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Now it’s time to take those big goals and break them down into smaller SMART goals. Are your goals specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Do they have a specific timeframe? These are the components of a S.M.A.R.T. goal.

Commit to Your Goal

Where focus goes, energy flows, so it’s critical to focus on your goals. When you commit to a goal on a daily basis, you align your purpose and values with your actions. You don’t need to work on it ALL day every day, but you must commit to consistency and perseverance.

Track Your Progress

The Goal Setting Insert allows you to dive deep into your goals and get specific. Complete with an action plan this insert will allow you to set smart and realistic goals.

The Get It Done Planner allows you to review your quarterly and weekly goals on a regular basis. This helps you stay on track and also determine where you need to alter your course. It’s important to stay flexible in your approach and remember that life and circumstances often change, as do your goals.

Effective goal setting helps you stay focused, keeps you accountable and is the single most important aspect of reaching your dreams. What goals are you setting for yourself this quarter?

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