A huge part of staying organized while working from home or preparing to go back to work is putting your planner to good use. We want to share with you how we use our planner with our Washi Tapes so that you can crush your goals from home this quarter.
"We love how the tape can be used to span across sections of the month or single days using a small amount of tape. The great thing about washi tape is that it doesn’t damage the pages if plans change and it is peeled off.”
Washi tape comes in many different colours, textures, and styles and is perfect for adding an extra pop of colour to your pages, but it also helps to keep you organized and productive throughout the day, week and month.
We use our washi tape in so many different ways - to block off vacation days or events, adding categories to appointments, bills, work, and life.
Now that you know the basics, let’s start planning using your new washi tape!
We’re going to use one of our favourite planners for productivity and goal-setting, the Get It Done Planner. We use washi tape in this section to create a key for our different washi tape colours in the notes section, but this can also be done on a blank page at the beginning of your planner. We used different colours of Washi Tape to mark down things like holidays, when bills are due, and events like birthdays. For us, Sunday is always a self-care day, so we chose to remind ourselves by blocking off time on Sunday’s with the MT Washi Tape in Blush. We love how the tape can be used to span across sections of the month or single days using a small amount of tape.
In the Get It Done Planner, you’ll notice how there is a Weekly Prep section to help you focus on your most important tasks of the week. Feel free to use washi tape in these sections to organize your thoughts and move ideas around. We sometimes add notes or tentative dates on pieces of washi tape and remove them once they’ve been added to our daily planning section.
Now we can move on to the daily planning section of the Get It Done Planner. Start by assigning a different colour of washi tape to each category you have developed. Tear or cut a piece and place it on the section of the day that you plan to designate to work. For example, we’ve assigned the MT Washi Tape in Avocado to our work periods. We also used the MT Washi Tape in Blush to block off time for self-care and daily rituals. The great thing about washi tape is that it doesn’t damage the pages if plans change and it is peeled off.
We hope that you found this helpful and feel inspired to try washi tape in your planner! It’s never too late to make progress on your goals, which is why we love that the Get It Done Planner is undated. We can’t wait to share more about how we stay organized during this time and let us know if you tried any of these tips and tricks.
Have fun decorating your planner with washi tapes!
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