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Why and How a Habit Tracker Works

Whether you’re trying to start a new workout routine or reduce your screen time, the process can feel overwhelming.

That’s why we recommend using a habit tracker to track your progress. Habit trackers are a way to help you track how well you're sticking with daily, weekly, or monthly habits. But do they really work?

We’re diving into why habit tracking works, how to use a habit tracker, and sharing habits you can start to track right now.

Why Does Habit Tracking Work?

Starting a new habit can be challenging. That’s why measuring and tracking your progress is key to building habits. Habit tracking holds us accountable, keeps us focused on our goal, and allows us to see our progress. Since it takes time to build a habit, tracking your progress helps us stay consistent while we work towards the long-term reward.

How Does Habit Tracking Work?

Think about your long-term goals and intentions (i.e. where do you see yourself next week, month, quarter, or year?) This will help you determine the more specific, actionable steps you need to take to achieve your goals.

Our Habit Tracker Pad is a simple and functional desk pad that helps you track your progress and holds you accountable by helping you to stay on track to meet goals. Just the act of filling in your completed habits daily is motivation enough to help you see it through, accomplish, and build healthy habits that can change your life.

You can also find the Habit Pad in the new Reset Kit. It has everything you need you to kickstart your self-care journey this year, including the Reset Planner, Habit Tracker Pad, Water Tracker Sticky and a Supplement Container.

Examples of Habits to Track

To help you get started, we’re sharing five habits you can start to tack right now.

  • Go to the gym X times per week
  • Lift heavier weights
  • Healthy diet
  • Protein intake
  • Water intake
  • Do more active listening
  • Have a date night once a week
  • Call parents X times per week
  • Spend quality time with kids X times per week
  • Meet with friends for group activity once per week
Personal Growth:
  • Listen to inspirational podcasts X times per week
  • Read 1 book per month
  • Read inspiring/educational blogs, articles, news 30 minutes each day
  • Finish one online course in a month
  • Keep a gratitude journal

Remember that the smallest life changes make the biggest difference if you work hard to stay consistent and believe in yourself.

We hope you give habit tracking a try and build the habits you’ve always wanted!

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